We could be in Logan, Utah, by May 15th!!!!!
Are you wondering how? This is how it all came about:
As most of our friends and family know, Lee and I have been trying to move back to Utah for quite some time. We've made a few efforts that haven't worked out very well. A few weeks ago, we decided to try again, especially after finding out that the odds of Lee getting hired on at the Gold Mines out here start around 1 in more than 10,000 (and less than that considering he has no mining experience at all).
In Elko, as well, the standard of living is based upon the mine income, and if you don't work at the mines, or have a Professional Career, the majority of the work to be found is only about 1/3 - 1/2 of the mines' income. When Lee was working full time at his last job, we were barely getting by, and the standard of living has only gone up since then.
In Logan we can move into our old apartment complex for $400/mo., whereas the same-sized apartment here is now $625/mo. or greater. Low income housing starts at around $500-550/mo. Also, the jobs that are available for him here are mostly retail or food service. He has no experience in anything else that is available for him here. At least in Logan he has experience with Production, and might have a chance at something decent.
So, we decided it's just not worth trying to stay any longer.
That next week we started checking on what it would take to move; ie. checking on jobs, housing, etc. I knew that there were at least 2 jobs that I could try for that I would have a greater than average chance of getting because I had them before, and I have a lot of experience and skills: working w/ people with disabilities, and working as a teacher's aide. I contacted both of these jobs and got applications. I found out from the School District that if I put in my application with them, they feel that I have a VERY good chance of getting hired on for the new school year in August. So Lee and I started thinking about making that our goal.
Later that week I spoke with the other job and found out that they are currently taking applications for the summer hours. Through contact with them, I turned in my application (which they will be going through apps this week) and found out that they could have hours available by mid-May/June. I also found out that I have a VERY good chance of getting hired on (probably as much as 99% chance).
We have also been checking on the Utah Department of Workforce Services website and updated our old accounts with them. Last week I found 4 Production jobs that Lee would qualify for and we applied for 3 of them (1 of them you must apply in person). He may or may not get these, but it shows us that the jobs are out there, he just needs to apply. Now would be the best time to get out there and look because students are leaving and he should try to get a job before the summer students come and take them all.
We also spoke with the manager of the apartments where we used to live and he guaranteed that he would hold an apartment for us if one is available (and they should have several available in May). This takes care of the problem of where to live that we had last year when we wanted to move then.
As for finances: The company that I work for has a profit-sharing plan that we are all invested in. I found out this week that I could cash that in when we move and have approximately $2000 that I would get the day I leave the job. That would provide for moving expenses, and I could use my paycheck to provide for daily living expenses for a few weeks. I will also start having $150 more per month, starting on 4/15, due to paying off a personal loan. That will allow us to invest that money into saving for the move as well. Finally, we are trying to sell our 1999 Oldsmobile Alero. It's an extra car that we wouldn't need if we were living in Logan because they have a free bus system. If (and I strongly emphasize the "if") we can sell the car by that time, we would have an additional $1500 from that sale.
There are just too many things working in our favor this time to not try to take advantage of the situation. We realize that there is still that small percentage that it may not work out as we wish, but we feel that it's not worth foregoing the chance, just because of a small chance that things don't work out. At this point, if the hours are not available at this summer job with people with disabilities by the time we are ready to move, we still might take the chance. There are other opportunities that could come up once we get there, opportunities that wouldn't be available living out-of-state. In the meantime, we are praying REALLY hard.