For New Year's Eve this year, we didn't really celebrate a lot. Lee and I went out to lunch together and bought a movie (Disney/Pixar's UP). That night we just watched a few movies. At midnight we celebrated by toasting with some Caffeine-Free Pepsi. Kind of lame, huh? But it was an easy, pleasant evening.
New Year's Day was our celebration. Lee's parents came from Utah to visit! We saw the briefly at Lee's grandfather's funeral in August, but that's about all we've seen them since they came out in the fall of 2008. It was good to see them and get to spend a little time visiting.
They arrived at around 11:30 am our time and we spent the next hour visiting with them and my parents, then we all piled into the two vehicles and went into Elko for lunch. We wanted to go to this Basque Restaurant that Lee and I've heard a lot about, but they were closed so we opted instead for one of the cafe/diners connected to one of the hotels. It was still a good choice: we each were able to find a menu item we liked, sat at a nice big table that fit us all comfortably, and were able to eat and visit some more.
Over all it was a very pleasant visit and we were sad to see them have to leave (Lee especially of course). Hopefully we won't have to wait as long to visit with them again.